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《坐牢》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 2020-02-05 词语大全 1 0 摘要:坐牢的拼音是zuò láo,是字母Z开头的词语 ,点击下方跟我读可在线跟读坐牢的读音,此外坐牢的繁体字的写法,坐牢的火星文怎么写等本文都有提供 ,让您对坐牢词语有初步认识 。 坐牢的拼音,读音,繁体,注音,火星文,平调拼音

Abstract: the Pinyin of prison is Zu ò L á o, which starts with the letter Z. click below to read the pronunciation of prison online. In addition, the writing method of prison's traditional characters and how to write prison's Martian characters are provided to give you a preliminary understanding of prison words. Pinyin in prison, pronunciation, traditional, Bopomofo, Martian, Pinyin in flat key


Pinyin in prison

zuò láo

Zu l o


The sound of imprisonment


Read after me


Prison complex


Be in jail


The phonetic of imprisonment

ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄠˊ

ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄠˊ


Fire star in prison




Sound in prison flat




Pictures of prison

《坐牢》是由坐和牢组成的词语 ,它的拼音是zuò láo,这篇文章不仅提供了《坐牢》的读音,繁体 ,注音,火星文,拼读方法 ,而且还为您整理了英文翻译,德语翻译,法语翻译等 ,帮助您更加深入地学习和理解《坐牢》这个词语。

Prison is a word composed of prison and prison. Its pinyin is Zu ò L á O. this article not only provides the pronunciation, traditional style, phonetic, Martian, spelling methods of prison, but also arranges English translation, German translation, French translation, etc. for you to learn and understand prison more deeply.

坐牢的拼音,英语,德语 ,法语

Pinyin in prison, English, German, French


Spelling in prison


Zi1, wu1, WO4, zuo4, le1, AO2, lao2


English in prison

to be imprisoned

to be imprisoned


German in prison

Haft, Inhaftierung (S)?, sitzen (V)?, verbü?en (V)

Haft, Inhaftierung (S)?, sitzen (V)?, verbü?en (V)


French in prison

être en prison, être emprisonné

être en prison, être emprisonné


The meaning of imprisonment

因罪入狱。元.关汉卿《蝴蝶梦.第一折》:「我打死人不偿命 ,如常的则是坐牢 。」《初刻拍案惊奇.卷一七》:「此间开封官府 ,平日最恨的是忤逆之子,告著的不是打死,便是问重罪坐牢 。」近下狱

Go to jail for a crime. Yuan. Guan Hanqing's dream of butterflies: the first fold: "it's not worth my life to kill a man. As usual, I'm in prison. "In Kaifeng government, the son of disobedience is the most hated thing in ordinary times. He is not suing for death, but asking for felony and imprisonment. "Close to prison."


Prison Related words


Sitting words: no related words

牢的组词:牢记 ,牢固,坐牢,牢房 ,牢狱,牢笼,牢骚 ,牢靠,地牢,死牢 ,监牢,把牢,牢实 ,牢稳

Prison phrases: remember, firm, jail, cell, jail, cage, grumble, firm, dungeon, dead cell, jail, jail, firm, firm

以上内容是由词语大全网站为您摘录的《坐牢》词语的全部内容 ,如未能解决您对于《坐牢》词语的疑问,您可使用本站搜索功能,或者在下方留言 ,我们将尽快为您补充《坐牢》词语的内容。(推荐学习:坐牢的近义词,坐牢的反义词,坐牢怎么造句)

The above content is the whole content of "prison" words excerpted by word Daquan website for you. If you fail to solve your question about "prison" words, you can use the search function of this website, or leave a message below, and we will supplement the content of "prison" words for you as soon as possible. (recommended study: Prison synonyms, prison antonyms, how to make sentences in prison)

版权声明:本文摘录自新华字典、康熙字典 、汉语字典、网络等多渠道 ,如有侵权请联系站长。

Copyright notice: This article is excerpted from Xinhua Dictionary, Kangxi dictionary, Chinese dictionary, Internet and other channels. If there is any infringement, please contact the webmaster.

大家都在学:两字词语大全坐牢AB式词语字母Z开头的词语坐组词有哪些词语牢组词有哪些词语坐牢的繁体怎么写坐牢的火星文怎么写坐牢的英文怎么说坐牢是什么意思坐牢怎么读坐组词牢组词第一个是坐的词语第二个是牢的词语 相关词语

Everyone is learning: two word word word Daquan prison AB type word letter Z beginning words, prison words, prison words, prison complex words, how to write prison Martian words, how to write prison English, how to say what prison means, how to read prison words, prison words, the first word is prison words, the second word is prison words

《座儿》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《座次》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《座船》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《胙肉》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《胙德》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《岝峈》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《岝峉》拼音/读音/英文/繁体 《坐庄》拼音/读音/英文/繁体

"Seat" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "seat" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "seat boat" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "meat" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "morality" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "as" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional "seat Village" Pinyin / pronunciation / English / traditional

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